
A batteries included, front-end loaded, web and Restful framework built on Flask.


Mocha helps you build and structure your application, where your endpoints are natively created from your view names.

If you already know Flask, you pretty much know 95% of Mocha.

Quick Start


pip install mocha


mocha :init


mocha :serve


Class based views

Mocha groups your views together by class. The class name becomes the base route of all the methods. Mocha expects the methods to return dict.

from mocha import Mocha

class Index(Mocha):
    def index(self):
        return {
            "name": "Mocha",
            "version": "1.0"

    def hello_world(self):
        return {
            "hello": "world"

class Document(Mocha):
    def index(self):

    def about(self):

Smart Routing

Smart routing is created by using the class name and the method name. Class or method named Index or index respectively, will become the root; otherwise the class name will be the base root name, and all of its methods will be prefixed with it.

from mocha import Mocha

class Index(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        # ->

        return {
            "name": "Mocha",
            "version": "1.0"

    def hello_world(self):
        # ->

        return {
            "hello": "world"

class Account(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        # ->

        return {
            "name": "Mocha",
            "version": "1.0"

    def info(self):
        # ->

        return {
            "name": "Mardix"

class Document(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        # ->

        return {
            "docs": [


    def get(self, id):
        # ->
        return {
            "title": "Doc title"

Custom Route

Just like Flask, you can use the mocha.route decorator for custom routes. If the the class is decorated, all the the methods will inherit the parent route.

from mocha import Mocha, decorators as deco

class Catalog(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        # ->

        return {
            "my_collections": [
                    "id": 123,


Mocha has some reserved methods name: get, post, put, delete, update. They required the request.method to be the same as the name. By default all other methods are GET

from mocha import Mocha

class Index(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        # ->

        return {
            "name": "Mocha",
            "version": "1.0"

    def get(self, id):
        # Accepts only GET method
        # GET

        return {

    def post(self, id):
        # Accept only POST method
        # POST
        # do something in post

    def delete(self, id):
        # Accept only DELETE method
        # DELETE
        # do something in delete

    def put(self, id):
        # Accept only PUT

Multiple renders: JSON, XML

You can quickly render your views to json or xml. By default it's HTML

from mocha import Mocha, decorators as deco

class Index(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        return {
            "name": "Mocha",
            "version": "1.0"

    def hello_world(self):
        return {
            "hello": "world"

class Catalog(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        return {
            "my_collections": [
                    "id": 123,

Built-in Nav Title

As you are creating your views, you can also build the navigation menu, by using @decorators.nav_title

from mocha import Mocha, decorators as deco

@deco.nav_title("The Great Catalog")
class Catalog(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        return {
            "my_collections": [
                    "id": 123,


Mocha allows you to quickly turn your views into restricted admin area.

Accessing will require you to login

from mocha import Mocha, decorators as deco
import mocha.contrib

class CatalogAdmin(Mocha):

    def index(self):
        return {
            "my_collections": [
                    "id": 123,


Sometimes you may want to do something before or after request, Mocha helps you with that.

from mocha import Mocha

class Index(Mocha):

    def before_request(self, name, *args, **kwargs):

    def after_request(self, name, response):

        return response

Jade markup

For aesthetic reason, Mocha uses by default Jade (now Pug) template. This can switched if you want to use HTML file only

            | Hello Mocha


<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <h1 class="text-center">
            Hello Mocha

Markdown friendly

Built-in contrib

  • User Auth : It allows to authenticate users into the application. Contains the following pages:

    • login
    • signup
    • lost-password
    • account-settings
    • admin interface
  • Contact Us

  • Error: Error pages

  • Admin Interface: Create authenticated admin area

  • Maintenance page: To turn the site on and off

Features List

  • Smart routing: automatically generates routes based on the classes and methods in your views

  • Class name as the base url, ie: class UserAccount will be accessed at '/user-account'

  • Class methods (action) could be accessed: hello_world(self) becomes 'hello-world'

  • Easy rending and render decorator

  • Auto route can be edited with @route()

  • Restful: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

  • REST API Ready

  • Jade as default template language

  • Markdown friendly. Inclusion of a markdown file will turn into HTML

  • bcrypt is chosen as the password hasher

  • Session: Redis, AWS S3, Google Storage, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL

  • Database/ORM: Active-Alchemy (SQLALchemy wrapper)

  • ReCaptcha: Flask-Recaptcha

  • CSRF on all POST

  • Storage: Local, S3, Google Storage Flask-Cloudy

  • Mailer (SES or SMTP)

  • Arrow for date and time

  • Caching

  • JWT

  • Pagination

  • Signals

  • Fontawesome

  • Bootstrap 3

  • Bootswatch

  • Markdown

  • Propel for deployment

  • Smart routing: automatically generates routes based on the classes and methods in your views

  • Class name as the base url, ie: class UserAccount will be accessed at '/user-account'

  • Class methods (action) could be accessed: hello_world(self) becomes 'hello-world'

  • Smart Rendering without adding any blocks in your templates

  • Auto rendering by returning a dict or None

  • Use Jade (Pug) template by default, but you can also use HTML.

  • Templates are mapped as the model in the class the $module/$class/$method.jade

  • Markdown ready: Along with Jade and HTML, it can also properly parse Markdown

  • Auto route can be edited with @route()

  • Restful: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

  • REST API Ready

  • bcrypt is chosen as the password hasher

  • Session: Redis, AWS S3, Google Storage, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL

  • ORM: Active-Alchemy (SQLALchemy wrapper)

  • ReCaptcha: Flask-Recaptcha

  • Arrow for dates

  • Active-Alchemy for database and dates are saved as Arrow object

  • All dates are by default UTC

  • Date can be presented in specific timezone

  • CSRF on all POST

  • Storage: Local, S3, Google Storage Flask-Cloudy

  • Mailer (SES or SMTP)

  • Caching

  • Signals to dispatch messages and data to other part of the application

  • JWT

  • Default Layout

  • Admin interface

  • Multi application

  • Web Assets

  • Propel for deployment

  • Decorators, lots of decorators

Packages and utilities depencies:

  • Flask
  • Flask-Assets
  • cssmin
  • jsmin
  • flask-recaptcha
  • flask-login
  • flask-kvsession
  • flask-s3
  • flask-mail
  • flask-caching
  • flask-cloudy
  • flask-seasurf
  • flask-babel
  • flask-cors
  • Flask-OAuthlib
  • Active-Alchemy
  • Paginator
  • six
  • passlib
  • bcrypt
  • python-slugify
  • humanize
  • redis
  • ses-mailer
  • markdown
  • inflection
  • pyyaml
  • click
  • sh
  • dicttoxml
  • arrow
  • blinker
  • itsdangerous
  • pyjade
  • requests

Credits: Flask, Flask-Classy