Mocha provides a command line tool to do sim



Running init will initialize mocha in the current directory

mocha :init


Run the server in the development mode.

mocha :serve

By default it will run the main application in config.Dev environment

To change application and environment, prepend the app before mocha :serve

app=main:production mocha :serve

The code above will run the main application with the config.Production

app=admin:stage mocha :serve

The code above will run admin application with config.Stage

env=production mocha :serve

The code above will run the main application with config.Production.

When app is not provided, or only env is provided, it will assume the app is main


To create a new view

mocha :addview


To install assets from application/assets/package.json

This command requires npm as it will run npm install to install the assets

mocha :install-assets


To create new models in your DBMS.

mocha :dbsync


When config.ASSETS_DELIVERY_METHOD is S3, this util will allow you to upload your assets to S3, and the application will automatically point all your assets to S3.

mocha :assets2s3

Since it will be in production or some other places other than local, you may need to add the environment variables

app=main:production mocha :assets2s3

Develop CLI

You can develop your own CLI to also attach to the mocha cli.

This will allow you to admin your application within one command line.

Mocha provides a CLI interface using click


import mocha.cli
class MyCLI(mocha.cli.CLI):

    def __init__(self, command, click):

        def hello_world():
            """ This is my hello world """
            print("Hello World!")

        def add_entry(name):
            """ Add new entry """
            print("Name: %s" % name)



Running the code above will show the follow

  :addview                 Create a new view and template page
  :assets2s3               Upload assets files to S3
  :dbsync                  Sync database Create new tables etc...
  :init                    Setup Mocha in the current directory
  :install-assets          Install NPM Packages for the front end in the...
  :serve                   Serve application in development mode
  add-entry                Add new entry
  hello-world              This is my hellow word

If you run

mocha hello-world

It will print out 'Hello World!'


mocha add-entry Jonas

will print out 'Name: Jonas'

How does it work?

Mocha looks for all the subclasses of mocha.cli.CLI and instantiate them by passing the mocha.cli command scope, along with click

Importing application modules in the CLI

To import application modules, place them in __init__ of the class, so Mocha has the time to load all the necessary modules

class MyCLI(mocha.cli.CLI):

    def __init__(self, command, click):

        import application.helpers as helpers

        def hello_world():
            """ This is my hello world """
            print("Hello World!")