
Mocha uses Blinker to provide a fast dispatching system that allows any number of interested parties to subscribe to events, or “signals”.

As it will be described below, a best way to use signal is to dispatch data/message between modules.

For example, when a user register using the built-in AUTH, you may want to do something with that new user. So the create_user emit a signal containing the new user data, and each function observing the create_user, will be executed


from mocha.decorators import emit_signal

Emit Signal


A decorator that will turn a function into a signal emitter, which will contain a pre and post signal.

from mocha import decorators as deco

def do_something(data):
    return data

The example above creates a signal do_something, each time this function is invoked it will emit two signals do_something.pre and These objects (pre, post) were created when @emit_signal decorated the do_something function.

pre will be invoked before running accepting the signal, and post after the signal is executed.

For every @emit_signal use, the function will have two blinker signal objects: pre and post

def hello():

will now have the following decorators:

Receive Signal


@observe allows you to connect a function to an emitter. @observe is a shortcut for @post.connect.

import my_signals

def my_thing(result, **kw):
    if result:

To fully utilize Blinker functionalities, use post and pre, for example, @do_something.pre.connect

def receive_create_user(user, **kw):
    if user:
        # do something with user

The function receiving the signal, must have 2 args:

  • result: that's the result sent from the signal
  • **kwargs: some
    • kwargs: kwargs that were passed in the signal function
    • sender: The name of the function
    • emitter: The instance of the


def receive_create_user_pre(**kw):
    # do something