
This module contains decorators that will alter the rendering of the view. It can change the response, or add new elements on the page, ie: json will turn the endpoint into a json response, while template will change the default template page to display, and nav will create a menu title.


from mocha import render


By default, the responses will render normal HTML. But if you want to return JSON, or XML data, the methods below will conveniently help you do that.

N.B.: The methods must return DICT for them to benefit from multiple response format


It return a dict into JSON. Good for API endpoint.

class Index(Mocha):

    def my_data(self):
        return {
            "name": "Mocha",
            "version": "xxx"


It return a dict into JSON for JSONP.

class Index(Mocha):

    def my_data(self):
        return {
            "name": "Mocha",
            "version": "xxx"


It return a dict into XML.

class Index(Mocha):

    def my_data(self):
        return {
            "name": "Mocha",
            "version": "xxx"


There is no decorator for HTML, as it will fall back to it if a view is not decorated with json or xml


This decorator allows you to change the view template or layout

It can be applied on both class based or method based


template(page, markup="jade")

  • page: the path of the new layout or template
  • markup: the markup to use for all pages: jade or html

Class based

This will change the default layout to another one.

class Index(Mocha):

    def index(self):

    def hello(self):

Method based

By default the template for method is based on its name, to use a different template, specify the full path

class Index(Mocha):

    def index(self):

    @render.template('/my-path/new-world.html', markup='html')
    def hello(self):