
Assembly allows you to handle your errors beautifully.


A special method _error_handler can be added in your view class to capture any HTTPException.

A template with the name error_handler.html will be used.

Only one _error_handler can exist in the application. _error_handler will take precedence over the other error handlers.

To use specific error handler, omit _error_handler instead use the _error_$errorCode for example _error_404

# views/error.py

from assembly import Assembly, HTTPError

class Error(Assembly):

    def _error_handler(self, e):
        return {
            "e": e


<!-- templates/error/Error/error_handler.html -->

{% extends 'layouts/base.html' %}

{% block title %}Error {{ e.code }} {% endblock %}

{% block body %}
  <h1>Error: {{ e.code }}</h1>
  <h4>{{ e.description }}</h4>
{% endblock %}


Only one _error_handler can exist in the application. _error_handler will take precedence over the other error handlers.

To use specific error handler, omit _error_handler instead use the _error_$errorCode for example _error_404

$errorCode is valid HTTP Error Code. Invalid code will throw an error

A template with the name error_$errorCode.html will be used.

# views/error.py

from assembly import Assembly, HTTPError

class Error(Assembly):

    def _error_404(self, e):
        return {
            "e": e

    def _error_500(self, e):
        return {
            "e": e


<!-- templates/error/Error/error_404.html -->

{% extends 'layouts/base.html' %}

{% block title %}Error {{ e.code }} {% endblock %}

{% block body %}
  <h1>Error: {{ e.code }}</h1>
  <h4>{{ e.description }}</h4>
{% endblock %}

<!-- templates/error/Error/error_500.html -->

{% extends 'layouts/base.html' %}

{% block title %}Error {{ e.code }} {% endblock %}

{% block body %}
  <h1>Error: {{ e.code }}</h1>
  <h4>{{ e.description }}</h4>
{% endblock %}

Error Method Usage

from assembly import Assembly, HTTPError

class Index(Assembly):

    def index(self):
        raise HTTPError.Unauthorized()

    def trigger_404(self):
        raise HTTPError.NotFound()


abort can also be used to trigger error

from assembly import Assembly, HTTPError

class Index(Assembly):

    def index(self):
        raise HTTPError.abort(401)

    def trigger_404(self):
        raise HTTPError.abort(404)

Available Methods

BadRequest: 400

Unauthorized: 401

Forbidden: 403

NotFound: 404

MethodNotAllowed: 405

NotAcceptable: 406

RequestTimeout: 408

Conflict: 409

Gone: 410

LengthRequired: 411

PreconditionFailed: 412

RequestEntityTooLarge: 413

RequestURITooLarge: 414

UnsupportedMediaType: 415

RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: 416

ExpectationFailed: 417

ImATeapot: 418

UnprocessableEntity: 422

Locked: 423

FailedDependency: 424

PreconditionRequired: 428

TooManyRequests: 429

RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: 431

UnavailableForLegalReasons: 451

InternalServerError: 500

NotImplemented: 501

BadGateway: 502

ServiceUnavailable: 503

GatewayTimeout: 504

HTTPVersionNotSupported: 505

