contains class-based configurations.
This file must exist inside of the lib
folder and will imported implicitely.
It is recommended to have a base class, BaseConfig
, and your environment classes Development
, Production
which are subclasses
of the BaseConfig
, this way they can share some common config.
The environment classes will be loaded on Assembly startup. By default, and in development, Assembly will attempt to load the Development
if one isn't provided.
To switch to a different config, you have to set the environment variable, or in production
export ASSEMBLY_ENV=Production export ASSEMBLY_APP=default
or to set the application along with the environment
ASSEMBLY_ENV=Production ASSEMBLY_APP=default asm-admin serve
The code above will load the Production
One main advantage of having your config like that, is that you have the ability of using different config for different environment, could be for testing, prod, dev, etc.
Config Accessor
Assembly exposes config
to access variable from your config environment.
is a subset of dict, and also has dot notation accessor, where can access variable
using the dot notation, ie: config.get('key.val1.val2.val3')
from assembly import config
from assembly import (Assembly, config) class Index(Assembly): def index(self): return { "version": config.get("APPLICATION_VERSION"), "version2": config["APPLICATION_VERSION"], }
As DotNotation
from assembly import (Assembly, config) class Index(Assembly): def index(self): return { "default_date_format": config.get("DATE_FORMAT.default") }
Class Based Configuration
Each class corresponds to an environment that you will be able to use for either 'Development', 'Production', 'Testing', 'Staging' etc.
class BaseConf(object): """ That will be default class base, which other classes will extends from """ APPLICATION_NAME = "Assembly" class Development(BaseConf): DEBUG = True class Production(BaseConf): DEBUG = False class Testing(BaseConf): DEBUG = True
Select Environment
When you are ready to serve your application, set the environment variable ASSEMBLY_ENV
to the class name you want to use.
export ASSEMBLY_ENV=Production
-> for Production
export ASSEMBLY_ENV=Staging
-> for Staging
By default Assembly will load the Development
class during development.
Default Configurations
Assembly uses class-based configuration, and the config will be loaded implicitely.
is required at the root of the application.
# lib/ import os # The root dir ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Data directory DATA_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data") class BaseConfig(object): """ Base configuration """ #: Site's name or Name of the application APPLICATION_NAME = "Assembly" #: The application url APPLICATION_URL = "" #: Version of application APPLICATION_VERSION = "0.0.1" #: Google Analytics ID GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID = "" #: Required to setup. This email will have SUPER USER role ADMIN_EMAIL = None #: The address to receive email when using the contact page CONTACT_EMAIL = None #: PAGINATION_PER_PAGE : Total entries to display per page PAGINATION_PER_PAGE = 20 # MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH # If set to a value in bytes, Flask will reject incoming requests with a # content length greater than this by returning a 413 status code MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 2 * 1024 * 1024 # To remove whitespace off the HTML result COMPRESS_HTML = False # Data directory DATA_DIR = DATA_DIR #------------------- DATE FORMAT and TIMEZONE ------------- # Arrow is used as date parser # from assembly import date # # To view tokens: # Timezone to use when dealing with date. # Example #"TIMEZONE")) # Timezone TIMEZONE = "US/Eastern" # Date format # Dict of dates format # Example #"DATE_FORMAT.default")) DATE_FORMAT = { "default": "MM/DD/YYYY", "date": "MM/DD/YYYY", "datetime": "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm a", "time": "hh:mm a", "long_datetime": "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY hh:mm a", } #--------- AWS Credentials ---------- #: AWS Credentials # AWS is used by lots of extensions # For: S3, SES Mailer, flask S3. # The AWS Access KEY AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "" # Secret Key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "" # The bucket name for S3 AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME = "" # The default region name AWS_REGION_NAME = "us-east-1" #--------- DATABASES URL ---------- #: DB_URL #: Assembly uses Active-Alchemy to work with DB #: format: engine://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DB_NAME #: format: dialect+driver://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DB_NAME #: SQLite: sqlite:////foo.db #: SQLite in memory: sqlite:// #: Postgresql: postgresql+pg8000://user:password@host:port/dbname #: MySQL: mysql+pymysql://user:password@host:port/dbname DB_URL = "sqlite:////%s/db.db" % DATA_DIR #: DB_REDIS_URL #: format: USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT DB_REDIS_URL = None #--------- ASSETS DELIVERY ---------- # ASSETS DELIVERY allows to serve static files from S3, Cloudfront or other CDN # The delivery method: # - None: will use the local static files # - S3: Will use AWS S3. By default it will use the bucket name set in AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME # When S3, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are required to upload files # - CDN: To use a CDN. ASSETS_DELIVERY_DOMAIN need to have the CDN domain ASSETS_DELIVERY_METHOD = None # Set the base domain of the CDN ASSETS_DELIVERY_DOMAIN = None #--------- SESSION ---------- #: SESSION #: Flask-KVSession is used to save the user's session #: Set the SESSION_URL by using these examples below to set KVSession #: To use local session, just set SESSION_URL to None #: #: Redis: redis://username:password@host:6379/db #: S3: s3:// #: Google Storage: google_storage:// #: SQL: postgresql://username:password@host:3306/db #: mysql+pysql://username:password@host:3306/db #: sqlite:// #: Memcached: memcache://host:port #: SESSION_URL = None #--------- STORAGE ---------- #: STORAGE #: Flask-Cloudy is used to save upload on S3, Google Storage, #: Cloudfiles, Azure Blobs, and Local storage #: When using local storage, they can be accessed via http://yoursite/files #: STORAGE = { #: STORAGE_PROVIDER: # The provider to use. By default it's 'LOCAL'. # You can use: # LOCAL, S3, GOOGLE_STORAGE, AZURE_BLOBS, CLOUDFILES "PROVIDER": "LOCAL", #: STORAGE_KEY # The storage key. Leave it blank if PROVIDER is LOCAL "KEY": AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, #: STORAGE_SECRET #: The storage secret key. Leave it blank if PROVIDER is LOCAL "SECRET": AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, #: STORAGE_REGION_NAME #: The region for the storage. Leave it blank if PROVIDER is LOCAL "REGION_NAME": AWS_REGION_NAME, #: STORAGE_CONTAINER #: The Bucket name (for S3, Google storage, Azure, cloudfile) #: or the directory name (LOCAL) to access "CONTAINER": os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "uploads"), #: STORAGE_SERVER #: Bool, to serve local file "SERVER": True, #: STORAGE_SERVER_URL #: The url suffix for local storage "SERVER_URL": "files", #:STORAGE_UPLOAD_FILE_PROPS #: A convenient K/V properties for storage.upload to use when using `upload_file()` #: It contains common properties that can passed into the upload function #: ie: upload_file("profile-image", file) "UPLOAD_FILE_PROPS": { # To upload regular images "image": { "extensions": ["jpg", "png", "gif", "jpeg"], "public": True }, # To upload profile image "profile-image": { "prefix": "profile-image/", "extensions": ["jpg", "png", "gif", "jpeg"], "public": True } } } #--------- MAIL ---------- # To send emails # # from assembly import send_mail # send_mail(to="", subject="Hi", body="How are you?") MAIL = { # OPTIONS # # AWS SES # To use AWS SES to send email #: #: - To use the default AWS credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) #: set MAIL_URL = "ses://" #: * To use a different credential: #: set MAIL_URL = "ses://{access_key}:{secret_key}@{region}" #: #: *** uncomment if you are using SMTP instead # "URL": "ses://", # SMTP #: If you are using SMTP, it will use Flask-Mail #: The uri for the smtp connection. It will use Flask-Mail #: format: smtp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT #: with sll -> smtp+ssl://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT #: with ssl and tls -> smtp+ssl+tls://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT #: "URL": "smtp+ssl://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}"\ .format(username="", password="", host="", port=465), #: MAIL_SENDER - The sender of the email by default #: For SES, this email must be authorized "MAIL_SENDER": ADMIN_EMAIL, #: MAIL_REPLY_TO #: The email to reply to by default "MAIL_REPLY_TO": ADMIN_EMAIL, #: MAIL_TEMPLATES_DIR #: files based templates "TEMPLATES_DIR": os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'mail-templates'), #: MAIL_TEMPLATES_DICT #: dict based templates # "TEMPLATES_DICT": { # "welcome.txt": """ # {% block subject %}Welcome{% endblock %} # {% block body %}Welcome to the site {{name}}?{% endblock %} # """ # }, #: MAIL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT #: a dict of all context to pass to the email by default "TEMPLATE_CONTEXT": { "params": { "site_name": APPLICATION_NAME, "site_url": APPLICATION_URL } } } #--------- CACHING ---------- #: Flask-Cache is used to caching CACHE = { #: CACHE_TYPE #: The type of cache to use #: null, simple, redis, filesystem, "TYPE": "simple", #: CACHE_REDIS_URL #: If CHACHE_TYPE is 'redis', set the redis uri #: redis://username:password@host:port/db "REDIS_URL": "", #: CACHE_DIR #: Directory to store cache if CACHE_TYPE is filesystem, it will "DIR": "" } #--------- LOGIN_MANAGER ---------- # Flask-Login login_manager configuration LOGIN_MANAGER = { #: The name of the view to redirect to when the user needs to log in. #: (This can be an absolute URL as well, if your authentication #: machinery is external to your application.) "login_view": None, #: The message to flash when a user is redirected to the login page. "login_message": "Please log in to access this page.", #: The message category to flash when a user is redirected to the login page. "login_message_category": "message", #: The name of the view to redirect to when the user needs to reauthenticate. "refresh_view": None, #: The message to flash when a user is redirected to the 'needs #: refresh' page. "needs_refresh_message": "Please reauthenticate to access this page.", #: The message category to flash when a user is redirected to the #: 'needs refresh' page. "needs_refresh_message_category": "message", } # -------------------------- ENVIRONMENT BASED CONFIG --------------------------- """ The environment based config is what will be loaded. By default it will load the development ## 1. Set environment variables export ASSEMBLY_ENV=Development # for development export ASSEMBLY_APP=default ## 2. Run the wsgi wsgi:app ### **for development server asm gen:serve """ class Development(BaseConfig): """ Config for development environment """ SERVER_NAME = None DEBUG = True SECRET_KEY = "PLEASE CHANGE ME" class Production(BaseConfig): """ Config for Production environment """ SERVER_NAME = None DEBUG = False SECRET_KEY = None COMPRESS_HTML = True