

Assembly is a community-maintained, open-source project hosted at Github. The project actively encourages aspiring and experienced users to dive in and add their best contribution to the project.

How can you contribute? Search the docs and the issues page to see if someone has already reported your issue.

Versioning: Semver

Assembly adheres to Semver (semantic version), for the a. Version will be X.Y.Z (X=Major, Y=Minor, Z=Patch)

Bug Reports

If you find a bug, an issue where the product doesn’t behave as you expect, you may file a bug report at the issues page. Be sure to include what your expectation was, what happened instead, details about your system that might be relevant, and steps that someone else could take to replicate your finding. The more detailed and exact your description, the better one of the volunteers on the project may be able to help resolve.

Pull Requests

To contribute, first read How to write the perfect pull request and file your contribution with the Assembly page.

Build the docs

The documentation is built with MkDocs

/docs contains all the MD files that will be present for build.

mkdocs.yml contains the manifest of the site, including the navigation under pages


pip install -r requirements-docs.txt

Serve local

mkdocs serve

Deploy to Github

mkdocs gh-deploy --clean

Edit Docs & pull requests

Edit the files that need updates or need to be created under /docs. Files are in Markdown format.

If you are adding a new doc file, you may want to put it in mkdocs.yml under pages so it can be shown in the menu.

Then commit and push your code in master to make a pull request.

make sure /site folder is in the .gitignore. Because this folder is generated by MkDocs.

Do not COMMIT or PUSH the /site directory generated by MkDocs.